Shannon and Owen joined me for a playful summer family photo session not too long before sunset. These two out-of-towners braved hordes of mosquitoes, slippery grass (sorry, Owen!), and hanging from trees to get some fun images of the two of them, along with Owen’s aunt. Working with pre-teen boys is always a great opportunity because they’re an age group I rarely get to work with. I had a great time with Owen, working on ways to get a few images that go way beyond what he would get from school photos.


The Lapierre-White girls (and Brandon) guarantee a family photo session with a touch of bedlam and insanity; the great news is that they also come with a guarantee that I will get into my car still laughing. :) The personality in these girls is so big it would be easy to be overwhelmed because they are just SO full of fun! It has been so neat to see the growth in these girls over the past three years since they first started coming to the studio for portraits, and this year was exceptional to see how Emma and Maddie are maturing and Sophie has changed from being a baby to a little girl with her own (huge) personality. A bit of careful planning meant that I had a good balance of fun (and by “fun,” I mean “running around like mad chickens”) and stillness so that the session just flew by. Just as we were getting ready to call it quits, we found the girls over by a giant puddle at homeplate in the baseball diamond, and I knew I was in for something special. Sure enough, this portrait session rapidly turned into a lifestyle session as I got to capture these three girls getting just plain filthy – and loving it. :)


Thanks to both of these families for joining me for some great summer family photo sessions! Here are some favourites:

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