
You came flying into this world amidst so much uncertainty and brought so much peace along with you.

When I joined you at the farm for your newborn session, it was so wonderful to see how your parents have settled into their new roles as Mom and Dad – even in the moments when I’m sure they felt like they didn’t know what they were doing. I got to see them work as a team. I got to see them each soak in all of your little details. I got to see each of them marvel at the role the other has taken on. I got to see them laugh with one another, even when they felt uncertain.

Having parents who admire and respect each other is something special, Duncan. I hope that you’re able to recognise that as you grow up and that it gives you something to reflect on one day. You’re a lucky little boy and, given the love that is going to surround you throughout your years on this earth, I don’t doubt that you’ll come to realise that fact, as well.

I hope that one day you’ll hear about how your dad would confidently take you when you fussed and that the two of you have a favourite chair to sit in together. I hope you learn about the way your mom looks at you with the softest eyes and fullest heart.

You were born into a family that was ready for all of the curve balls you’re bound to throw at them, little man. You are so truly loved.

I’m Ang. I’m a documentary family photographer offering coverage like this North Stormont newborn session, as well as family-positive sessions throughout SD&G. Laughter is important in my life and in my work and I want to show you the beauty, the humour and the little moments of connection in your everyday. Want to see more documentary newborn sessions to get an idea of just how many moments the average family packs into a couple hours? Start here