Benny, your Monkland family photos are always a bright spot in my calendar. Your engaging grin is just SO contagious! This time, I joined you because you’re about to be a big brother and it was time to catch a little glimpse into what life is like during these final weeks as a family of three.

I noticed that, even though she was 37 weeks pregnant when I was with you, your mom is every bit as active and involved with you as she always has been – crouching down to clean off your hands because you can’t stand being dirty, lifting you up on the counter to make pizza, and sitting on the floor with you to give you cuddles when you’re so worn out from racing your dump truck and wagon around Monkland’s back roads that you’re not really sure if you want to play or fall asleep. She’s your go-to person and I can see how it warms her heart to fill that role.

Your dad is one of the most quietly observant people I know. He often hangs back and lets you get on with whatever adventure you’ve chosen, but he’s one of those people who will always be there, waiting for you in the background so that he can step in when you need him. I also learned that he’s apparently quite the enthusiastic playmate when it comes to your trucks! :P

Life is about to change in all sorts of ways for each member of your family, but this time in your home was a great chance to see that you’re each soaking up these moments together. Here’s a little look at our time together:

I’m Ang. I’m a documentary family photographer offering coverage like these Monkland documentary family photos, as well as other moment-driven, family-positive sessions throughout SD&G. Laughter is important in my life and in my work and I want to show you the beauty, the humour and the little moments of connection in your everyday. Want to see more sessions to get an idea of just what happens during my time with you?  Start here