Earlier this month, I headed north for some particularly important Maxville family photos. This session was special because I was going to make photos for these four souls who make up part of my own family.

Al and Jarrett decided that they wanted to do something to mark their time at home, so they invited me out there to shoot an average summer evening. They’ve been isolating since March. They’ve dealt with working from home, managing a small business/unemployment during a shutdown, homeschooling, resistance to homeschooling, the desire to give up homeschooling, and the celebration of the END of homeschooling. Together.

So they spent their evening the way they’ve spent the past four months: together.

I hope one day Ollie and Calla will look at these photos and realise that each photo is its own little love note to them. Each photo represents something about their childhood, their family, their personality. I want them to be able to look back and know that they were seen. I want them to know that, even in these crazy times, someone besides Mom and Dad was making an effort to understand them. I hope that Al sees the fact that I know she laughs with her whole body when the kids do something funny. I hope that Jarrett sees that I recognise how hard he works to make little moments of magic happen for the kids.

This act of seeing and understanding, of creating love notes for you and your kids – it’s something I aim to do for each of my families, but it’s much easier to articulate it when I’m looking at people who form my own family. Every photograph in every gallery is put there with intention – it’s a decision made to say, “Hey, I saw this about you and I thought you’d like to see it, too.”

So, Carriere family, hey – here are some things I saw about you:

Does it seem like Maxville family photos with might be perfect for you and your family? Get more info about the details of my services and pricing here or contact me to ask any specific questions you might have! I would love to hear about your family and tell your story. Really want to book, but feeling a little afraid? Here’s another example of how easy these sessions really are!