Dear Audrée and Gabrielle,

Your mom and dad invited me along on your trip to Marlin Orchards so that I could make some photos of your family before your new baby joins your family.

Your dad took charge of getting plants and pushing you around on the cart (because riding that cart really is SO much fun!) while your mom spent the afternoon looking after the two of you when you went exploring through the greenhouses and the store, took an interest in the feel of the onion sprouts, wanted to take ALLLLLL of the flowers with you, and struggled to find the perfect stuffy for your baby.

Throughout all of this, I saw something really cool: I got to see just how much your mom loves being your mom. She takes so much interest in the way that you’re seeing the world and the crazy-silly things that you do. She thinks you’re hilarious (the secret’s out: you are) and challenging and fascinating, all at the same time. She’s your cheerleader, your playmate, your personal stylist, your source of comfort, your teacher AND your mom.

I had so much fun shooting this session, but I worried at first that it was mostly about the two of you and your experience at the greenhouse. Then I realised just how much of it was supported by your mom. She wanted to make sure that you could see all of the plants and encouraged you to have an opinion about what flowers to choose. She took the time to show you the interesting ones and laughed when you kept loading the cart way beyond what you needed. I loved seeing how supported your are while your brains develop and how much your mom and your dad want you to experience the world around you. Your new baby might be coming very soon, but your mom and dad are every bit as dedicated to spending time with you as they always have been.

I’m excited for you that you’ll have these photos to look back on when you’re older. Right now, they’re just going to be photos of you with pretty flowers and a fun cart, but later on you’re going to see what I see: a mom and dad who make time to let their girls experience life alongside them.

I’m Ang – a Cornwall, Ontario documentary family photographer with a passion for capturing light and photographing natural moments in life as they happen. My goal is to capture memories that you will cherish once your children are too grown up to curl into your lap for cuddles and the house seems oddly quiet at night. I love meeting new families in their natural environment and getting in amongst the bedlam so that I can document the perfectly imperfect realities of daily life. Want to see another example of what documentary maternity sessions can look like? Start here!