Cornwall Family Photos

Well look what I just found in the unpublished archives! Normally, I’d probably let this post go with a little pang of regret, but all three families were special to me, so I’m sticking with the theme of this post and saying, “better late than never!” These beautiful groups got lost in the shuffle as I frantically packed up shop (and the house, and my bags) in preparation for our 10-week trip that started last November.

Sometimes, life gets in the way. Sometimes, the thought doesn’t occur until late in the season. Whatever the cause, I inevitably end up doing some outdoor family portraits long after the leaves have turned. As long as you know that the weather is going to be chilly, then I’m game for whatever you are!


First up, the lovely little family of Stephanie, Haley, and Georgia.

This session was done on a COLD day, so snuggling up together made perfect sense. I’m so thankful that the sun added a nice touch of warmth to the photos, if not to the air; I love the glow these guys have got going! Part of me is kinda surprised that I didn’t have to edit a blue tinge out of Georgia’s lips – even though she was cold, she was a real trooper. :) I had a great time with these three, and it was immediately obvious how close they are as a family. Haley and Stephanie were newly married, so I took the opportunity to get a few shots of them together, as well as their family portraits.

Stephanie, Haley, and Georgia, it was an absolute pleasure working with the three of you. I loved seeing how much you care for one another and I loved that you were so open with me. I look forward to the next time we get to work together! Here are some favourites from your session: Photography - Cornwall Family Photos by pines Photography - Cornwall Family Photos - cuddle in cold weather

Ang Waterton - Photography - Cornwall Photographer

Ang Waterton - Photography - Cornwall Photographer

Ang Waterton - Photography - Cornwall Photography - Cornwall Family Photos - holding hands on path



Oh, the McCabes…

Just thinking about this session and this family makes me smile. Nicole and Perry have done such a brilliant job of raising two good-humoured, polite, FUNNY boys. This was another cold day (notice a trend? Brace for the weather!), but I loved that they added bits of colour to brighten things up. I was also so thankful that there was still some greenery hanging around. :) The boys were so easy to work with, in spite of the frosty temperatures, and it felt like we laughed our way through this session. Even their dog got in on the smiles (look for the shot with the boys – too cute)!

Thank you so much for a memorable session. It was awesome to hear how popular these photos were as Christmas gifts! Here are some highlights from this session: Photography - Cornwall Family Photos with chair on bike Photography - Cornwall Family Photos - kids with Photography - Cornwall Family Photos - kids with Photography - Cornwall Family Photos - kids Photography -Cornwall Family Photos group hug


Sylvie’s maternity session was so cool – both literally and figuratively. I usually work in this particular field when it’s all green and I relished the opportunity to use it so late in the season with a completely different effect. This quiet little family were eagerly awaiting their +1 and were so sweet. Big sister was loving the idea of having someone little in the household! What I loved about this session was that we were able to capture some traditional family portraits, but also some less traditional, smiles-optional images that they pulled off with such grace. And that mom-and-daughter cuddle in the legs-only shot? One of my absolute favourites. :)

I’m so grateful to these guys for travelling to come see me and hope that their little bundle is healthy and happy and growing! Check out some favourites from their session: Photography - Cornwall Family Photos frosty Photography - Cornwall Family Photos frosty field close Photography - Cornwall Family Photos hand on Photography - Cornwall Family Photos daughter looking at feetAng Waterton - Photography - Cornwall PhotographerAng Waterton - Photography - Cornwall PhotographerAng Waterton - Photography - Cornwall Photographer



I’m Ang – a Cornwall, Ontario-based photographer with a passion for capturing light and photographing natural moments in life as they happen. My goal is to capture memories that you will cherish once your little ones are not so little anymore. I love meeting new families in their natural environment and getting in amongst the bedlam so that I can document the perfectly imperfect realities of daily life. Please explore more of to see more examples of Cornwall family photos.