Hanna Smashes the Cake – Cornwall Child Photography

Wow. Just wow. I knew I was in for a treat when Brianna and Luke showed up with Hanna, who immediately greeted me with a HUGE smile. I just didn’t realise what kind of awesomeness I was about to see!

Hanna is this wildly expressive little human being with the most gorgeous little features, highlighted during this shoot courtesy of the cream-and-blue outfit that Brianna picked out for her. She also does this little shoulder shrug that absolutely kills me. I don’t know if she knows how cute she is, but I’m willing to be that Luke and Brianna are in for some trouble at some point down the road! ;)

Hanna immediately took an interest in the icing on her cake; those little rosettes never stood a chance. For awhile, it looked like she was going to methodically clear the top of her cake of icing, but then she got a taste of the cake and it was one big mess from there on in. New tip: if you ever want to make sure cake crumbs cover a three foot radius, get a toddler coated in them to start clapping.

This outdoor bath session was the first time I’d had the chance to do it during golden hour light and I love the result. Hanna’s blonde locks just lit up! You’ll see that she got a good taste for the suds, too. :)

Brianna and Luke, thank you so much for driving all that way so that Hanna and I could meet. This was a session I won’t soon forget!

Cornwall child on rocking chair Cornwall child in blue dress on grass Cornwall child making face Cornwall child with mom and dad under trees Cornwall family under trees with daughterCornwall child wearing necklace and pink headband Cornwall child wearing pink diaper cover eating cake Cornwall child photography - Hall 8Cornwall child in tub making serious face Cornwall child eating soap suds Cornwall child in tub looking at water Cornwall child in bath tub Cornwall child leaning out of tub in sunlight

I’m Ang – a Cornwall, Ontario-based photographer with a passion for capturing light and photographing natural moments as they happen during portrait sessions. My goal is to capture memories that you will cherish once this special time in your life has passed. I love meeting families in natural environments and creating honest and unique portraits that reflec each individual. Please explore more of to see more examples of Cornwall child photography.