What a wild evening we had for these Glengarry back yard family photos! Planning your session during that after-supper energy rush is guaranteed to result in some hilarious, manic, wildly playful photos, and that’s exactly what Alison and Brad got. The kids were excited and ready to play, so they didn’t need much encouraging – just some bubbles, swings, and a hose.

Kids this age are full of unpredictable energy. They zigzag across lawns, take tumbles, express their emotions openly and with reckless abandon. That’s exactly why I love this stage of childhood. You never know what you’re going to get, but you can count on it being entertaining.

I love how free kids this age are – at any time of the year (or day), but especially in summer. Brynn laughing so hard about catching water in her mouth that she can’t help but throw her head back. Dougie streaking across the lawn, legs pumping madly, trying to catch up with the others. The shameless tears that happened after a mid-lawn collision. The wide-eyed wonder inspired by the magic of bubble blowing. Each reaction Brynn and Doug have is honest. Maybe we each could use a little more of that in our lives, hmm?

Even though it felt like it might have been 45 degrees that evening, we raced across the grass, strolled down the back roads of Martintown, ducked under the sprays of water and delighted in each new discovery of baby beans together. I was never too sure that Brynn wasn’t going to soak me with the hose, which definitely kept me alert (and laughing).

Back yard family photos don’t have to be complicated. You just have to be willing to let your kids run – even if it means they’re a little wild. I’m so glad Alison and Brad made this session happen because this little snapshot of life feels so genuinely representative of the childhood they’re trying to make for Brynn and Dougie.

Here’s a look into our evening:

Does it seem like Glengarry back yard family photos with might be perfect for you and your family? Get more info about the details of my services and pricing here or contact me to ask any specific questions you might have! I would love to hear about your family and tell your story. Really want to book, but feeling a little afraid? Here’s another example of how easy these sessions really are!