Dear Sophie

Just before 2018 came to a close, your Mom and Dad welcomed me into your home in Brockville so that we could spend a couple of hours together for your newborn session. I watched the way they sat together and marveled at your existence, smiled quiet, tired smiles of pride at the fact that they’d managed to keep you alive for three and a half whole weeks already, laughed (and gagged) when you pooped so hard it came out the front of your diaper, and tried their hardest to keep your new best friend from licking your face.

You were so happy to be held and have your back rubbed! You were also doing so much feeding that I have no doubt you’re going to be big and strong in no time at all. In the meantime, you might still be tiny, but when your little face lights up with smiles, you seem so big that you take up the whole room; your parents can look at nothing but you.

Lots of Dads are a bit hesitant about handling their new baby, but not yours. Your Dad looks so comfortable holding you, burping you, and taking care of your needs, that it would be easy to believe that you’re his fourth child, not his first. And your Mom…. Sophie, she’s so calm with you and so happy to give you what you need while spending quiet moments rocking you. You were so lucky to be born into this home and I hope one day you get to take a minute to realise it.

Sophie, you’re a gift to your parents and they know it. They are so thankful for you and so proud of you already!

Here’s what our time together looked like:

I’m Ang – a Cornwall, Ontario documentary family photographer with a passion for capturing light and photographing natural moments in life as they happen. My goal is to capture memories that you will cherish once your children are too grown up to curl into your lap for cuddles and the house seems oddly quiet at night. I love meeting new families in their natural environment and getting in amongst the bedlam so that I can document the perfectly imperfect realities of daily life, whether that’s during a Brockville newborn session, an Ottawa wedding, or an outdoor Cornwall family session. Please explore more of to see more examples from this Ontario documentary family photographer.