
You’ve had the good fortune to join a family that will, in the many years to come, continually fill your life with love the way you’ve already filled theirs in just a few short weeks. Your extended family is one of the most caring groups of people I’ve met, and I have no doubt that your Duval cousins are going to take you under their wings and show you alllllll the best ways to get into trouble – after they’re done snuggling you.

As for your parents, well…Benny, you’ve hit the baby jackpot. They’re fumbling their way through learning their new roles in the best way possible: laughing at themselves, delighting in all of your details, and never taking anything about life too seriously.

When I was with you for your lifestyle newborn photos, your mom couldn’t stop looking at you. She has a primal connection to you that draws her continuously back to you for kisses, cuddles or just to run her fingers along the top of your head. She fought long and hard to get you here and I can see how complete you’ve made her life already, just by the way her shoulders relax and her breathing changes when she gets you in her arms.

If there’s one thing you should know about your dad, it’s that he has this chuckle that he does when he’s too happy to put it into words. It’s low-key and soft, because most things about your dad are low-key, but it gives away an awful lot. I heard that chuckle a number of times while I was learning all about you. Unlike a lot of new Dads, he looks surprisingly comfortable with you in his arms. It’s easy for Dads to feel clumsy or awkward when holding their new baby; it’s very normal and I see it a lot. Not your dad, though. He scoops you up and holds you close like it’s what he was meant to do. I can’t help but think that’s a good sign for what’s to come in your life, Benny.

Bennett, I don’t doubt that you’ll give your parents a run for their money at some point in your life, but right now you’re perfection in a little package (well, not so little – you’re almost 14lbs already!). Here’s a look at the photos we did together a month into your days with your family:

I’m Ang. I’m a documentary family photographer offering coverage like these casual Cornwall lifestyle newborn photos, as well as other moment-driven, family-positive sessions throughout SD&G. Laughter is important in my life and in my work and I want to show you the beauty, the humour and the little moments of connection in your everyday. Want to see more sessions like these Glengarry newborn photos to get an idea of just what happens during my time with you?  Start here