When Chico and Michelle said they wanted to do their next session at home, I could never have anticipated just how perfect their Cornwall forest family photos would be.

After well over a dozen sessions with the Oliveiras, every session I do with these guys results in a new favourite, but this one has definitely taken the cake. What can be better than sitting on the porch that you built with your own two hands and laughing as your daughter is struck down by brain freeze after chowing down on her popsicle in record speed? Or running through the grass, towing your daughter by the hand, while she squeals with delight? Or exploring the woods on your own property, which has been in your family for decades, with your three kids while they find new adventures with rotting mushrooms? Or watching those same kids disassemble the creek “overcross” (or ford, to us adults) one stone at a time?

I get so much inspiration from this family and their unique personalities each time we’re together. Rogan is helpful and curious; he loves to explore and show his discoveries. Dallas is watchful and wild (and I’m not just talking about her hair, which has a personality all of its own). Harper is mellow and smiley and tactile. Chico couldn’t get any more laid back, but watching him laugh with his kids is such a rewarding experience. Michelle lets her kids go in a way that will serve them well in the future, offering gentle support when they need it and allowing them to fail and learn with humour. It’s an approach like this that helps your son know when to reach out a hand to his little sister when she needs help up the rock pile. Michelle and Chico’s playfully free-range parenting means that they’re raising kids who learn to support each other and also ask for help when they need it. It’s gratifying to watch and even more, it’s entertaining to photograph. :)

Here’s a look at our time together, wandering the woods and exploring the homestead:

I’m Ang. I’m a family photographer offering coverage like these Cornwall forest family photos, as well as family documentary and portrait sessions in Cornwall, Brockville, Ottawa, and throughout SD&G. Laughter is important in my life and in my work and I want to show you the beauty, the humour and the timeless little moments of connection in your everyday. Want to see more of what can come from a documentary family session? Start here