These Cornwall fall documentary family photos from my session with the Tessiers sum up everything I love about the documentary genre: humour, tenderness, quirkiness, the manic energy of childhood, a little hint of potential danger, and parents soaking up the presence of their children.

I first worked with Joanna and Adam’s family last year in a session that quickly became a firm favourite. When Joanna reached out this year to ask if I’d be willing to spend time with her and her gang of guys, I was 100% in.

I joined them in time for Aiden to get off the bus, which means I got a bit of quiet time with Owen. I’ve commented to Joanna several times that it’s rare to find a 3 year old brother who is so gentle with a baby. I caught Owen watching Keehan several times during the session with the most peaceful expression on his face. When he saw me looking, he’d break into this gigantic shy grin that was just one of the most adorable things I’ve witnessed. It was as if he was so lost in his love for his brother that everything else ceased to matter in those moments.

Once Aiden stepped off the bus, the session moved so fast it felt like I barely had time to catch my breath. We were running – and belly flopping – through leaves; soaring on the swingset; chasing Roger and trying to bury him in leaves; soaking up Keehan’s sweet gummy grins; and making key decisions about pumpkin designs. Through it all, Adam and Joanna were right in there with the kids.

Owen’s intense sweetness aside, Adam and Joanna were my favourite part of this whole session. I loved watching the way they effortlessly multi-task and manage their boys, while also being inclusive in the way they instigate mischief. I watched as they shamelessly sent leaves flying at the boys in a way that fell on the right side of playful while also feeling a bit like parental retribution; the way they “helped” the boys experience the awkward discomfort of having a leaf-stuffed shirt; the expert way that Adam manhandled children simultaneously upside down and on the hip and the way that Joanna managed to offer cuddles to Owen, sitting support to Keehan and creative direction for Aiden as he looked for a pumpkin design, all at the same time.

Adam and Joanna, consider this session my own personal ode to you as parents. Your time together on leave has served to further strengthen your bond with one another and with your boys in the most touching of ways. I truly hope that the boys grow up to realise just how lucky they are.

Here’s a look at our time together:

I’m Ang. I’m a documentary family and wedding photographer offering sessions in Cornwall, Brockville, Ottawa, and throughout SD&G. Laughter is important in my life and in my work and I want to show you the beauty, the humour and the timeless little moments of connection in your everyday. Want to see more of what can happen when you plan Cornwall fall documentary family photos? Start here