I joined the Lovesteads for their Cornwall back yard family session at the tail end of a July heat wave. It was HOT. Like, melt your Popsicle in a couple of minutes kind of hot.

We ventured over to the Riverdale splash pad, where I narrowly missed getting soaked on several occasions and also learned about Easton’s comical simultaneous curiosity and fear of the jets of water flying through the air.

The heat meant that River’s temper was close to the surface, and I’m not going to lie: photographing child tantrums gives me the giggles because they’re so wildly irrational, so I couldn’t help but smile when he erupted.

Keshia and Cody are fun parents to watch. They laugh at their kids when the boys are being absurd (which is often – and hilarious). They stop what they’re doing just to give cuddles. They playfully pick on the boys and encourage them to try new things. As a result, River and Easton have plenty of independence and more than enough spirit to get them through whatever might lie ahead.

Besides discovering Easton’s relationship with the splash pad, the other thing I learned, after we were forced to take refuge from the heat, is that these boys LOOOOOOOVE singing along to the Frozen soundtrack. I didn’t realise that “Into the Unknown” could ever sound so..*ahem*…melodious. ;)

After laughing through their karaoke performance and quietly photographing the transition to nap time, I wished Cody a happy birthday and waved goodbye with their tune still ringing in my ears.

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been with Keshia and Cody long enough to see their family through the toddler stage with two little boys, but here we are: one final toddler session with an awesome family.

Does it seem like Cornwall back yard family session with might be perfect for you and your family? Get more info about the details of my services and pricing here or contact me to ask any specific questions you might have! I would love to hear about your family and tell your story. Really want to book, but feeling a little afraid? Here’s another example of how easy these sessions really are!