couple against shed wall for Williamstown engagement session

Anna-Marie & Tilton’s Williamstown Engagement Session

This engagement session was a perfect storm of weather, connection, and location. I’ve had the pleasure of working on some truly incredible engagement sessions lately and feel like these two just helped me up the ante one more time. I left this great pair reflecting on the different stages and types of connection that we share as human beings.

Many of my clients are young couples who are getting married and starting families; it’s rare that I get to photograph an older couple (without their kids) and watch how they move together. In fact, Peter and Tammie’s session last year was one of my first since photographing Shelley and Dave more than 4 years ago.

Young couples are excited; everything is new, when they touch it’s slightly self-conscious and the way they connect with each other is tender-but-tentative. It’s fun because I get to help them reflect on how they hold one another and remind them of how natural that is. When dealing with older couples, I’m dealing with love that is confident, assured, familiar, and often no less passionate. Bodies fit together comfortably and with ease. Smiles happen more often because they’re enjoying one another’s company and less often because they feel uncertain. Anna-Marie and Tilton’s awkward-in-front-of-the-camera phase lasted, oh…..about 30 seconds. There’s a peace that came from watching this couple and I couldn’t help but admire the honest tenderness they showed one another. There were a number of times when I found myself thinking that I could easily creep away and these two might not have even noticed; they were so caught up in the conversations they were having. They have no more experience in front of my camera than any of my average clients, and yet… it was magic.

Tilton and Anna-Marie, thank you for choosing me to join you on this ride. You two are so special. Bring on the wedding!


Couple standing together in tree tunnel Couple cuddling under a tree Woman looks into the sun during Williamstown engagement session Couple hugging in tree tunnel Man holding fiancee's face in field couple in field for Williamstown engagement session couple cuddling by stream for Williamstown engagement session Couple standing under tree next to river couple standing together on bridge for Williamstown engagement session

I’m Ang – a Cornwall, Ontario-based photographer with a passion for capturing light and photographing natural moments as they happen, whether during a winter wedding or a summer engagement session. My goal is to capture memories that you will cherish once your wedding dress is wrapped up and the flowers have long since dried. I love meeting new couples and getting in amongst the wedding day bedlam so that I can document the emotions and truly special moments. Please explore more of to see more examples of my unique take on wedding photography.